
Think Better, Be Better

  • 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking – Avoid cognitive distortions that may skew the perception of your self, your relationships, and your world.
  • Spotting Fake Science – Be a more critical consumer of information by knowing the good from the bad.
  • List of Cognitive Biases – A more complete list of the various biases that we employ and fall prey to.
  • Logical Fallacies Visualized – To be clear, you should avoid using these arguments.
  • Another List of Logical Fallacies – You can never be too aware of them.
  • List of Common Misconceptions – The tongue doesn’t have separate taste zones. Most of us were likely told several of these by a person in authority.
  • The 10 Stuff-Ups We All Make When Interpreting Research – Not everyone makes these mistakes, but enough do to make life difficult.

Communication Resources

  • Cheap Ambien From India Purdue Online Writing Lab – The Purdue OWL site is the best resource for academic formatting.
  • Grammarly Brower Add-On – Grammarly checks for spelling and usage errors as you type. Works with most browsers.
  • Grammar Girl – Quick and dirty tips regarding many common errors in English expression. Educate yourself to set the best example possible for others.
  • Common Errors in English Usage – A quite expansive list of commonly confused/misused words and phrases.
  • 50 Sophisticated Words You Should Use – Having a limited vocabulary is as bad as like whatever.


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